Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Ladies:Would you date a guy with long hair?

My boyfriend has shoulder-lenght hair. And I feel weird now that I cut most of my hair off. My hair used to be longer than his but I'm trying to go natural.

Ladies:Would you date a guy with long hair?

My husband has long hair, longer than mine but he is still incrediably sexy, and who cares if long hair makes one look like a "hippie" or not, long hair is a part of some mens personallity! enjoy the fact he doesnt look like everyone else, offer to brush his hair, and give him a great head message with your finger nails... it drives men wild!

my hub gets alot of complements oh his long dark hair, it makes him more of a man not less!

Ladies:Would you date a guy with long hair?


Ladies:Would you date a guy with long hair?

I like guys with longish hair, but not so long that they look like they've just walked off the set of Apocalypto. I prefer chin-length hair, like mine.

Ladies:Would you date a guy with long hair?

if ur bf looks good with long hair let him keep it just because u cut yours doesn't mean he can't keep his..

Ladies:Would you date a guy with long hair?

are you dating a white guy? hey, you stop that!

Ladies:Would you date a guy with long hair?

Depends if its like Keith Urban longish lol sure, but like trailer trash long no.

Ladies:Would you date a guy with long hair?

yes of course

Ladies:Would you date a guy with long hair?

If you love him who cares.. I wouldn't mind long hair on a guy.

Ladies:Would you date a guy with long hair?

oh no. I dont like guys who have hair long hair.

Ladies:Would you date a guy with long hair?

so whats the matter with us having long hair?

Ladies:Would you date a guy with long hair?

he doesnt matter if ur boyfriend looks good w/ long hair then that's good but if he think you still look beautiful w/ short hair then it's okay u gonna fell werid at first but u get use to it , it take time to adjust just chill and be urself but yeah i would date a guy with long hair if it fits him

Ladies:Would you date a guy with long hair?

I wouldnt like it if guys hair is as long as mine, but i like just a lil bit past the shoulders.

Ladies:Would you date a guy with long hair?

Shagg yes. But Shoulder length is a little too "hey im hippie'

Ladies:Would you date a guy with long hair?

The things that bother people! What has changed? YOU cut your hair, now HE'S looking different to you? What if HE said, "would anyone want to date a girl with shorter hair than yours"? Stop being so superfical, your probably lucky to have him in the first place, you sound like an immature snob.

Ladies:Would you date a guy with long hair?

it's all about personality,, not looks right, but i guess you have to be attracted to something..

Ladies:Would you date a guy with long hair?

I love guys with long hair is so cute when they have long hair. its also looks nice when they have nice hair.but i would only like it on certain guys . some guys don't look right with long hair.

Ladies:Would you date a guy with long hair?

don't worry about that cause as long as he still sees you as beautiful, then there is no problem. my boyfriend loves long hair and he loves when my hair is out (though i love ponytails--they are just so simple) and recently i had to get my hair cut cause it was damaged and stuck at that length, and because he genuinely loves me, he still thinks i am beautiful...he better had or there will be some problems!!!

Ladies:Would you date a guy with long hair?

I would. I wouldnt feel weird about it if I were you.

Ladies:Would you date a guy with long hair?

yes as long as he takes care of it

Ladies:Would you date a guy with long hair?

"She asks me why, I"m such a hairy guy/

I'm hairy noon or that's a fright.

I'm hairy high and low...

Don't ask me why; DON'T KNOW!

It's not for lack of bread

Like the Grateful Dead...Dahllin'

Gimmie a head with hair,

Long, beautfiful hair!

Shining, streamin, gleamin'' flaxen-waxen!...

Let in fly in the breeze,

And get caught in the trees;

A nest for birds, there aint no words

for my HAIR...

Down to here, down to here,

Down to where it stops by itself!


Blowin', flowin...LONG as I keep grow it!...

MY HAIR!!!!!

Well, you probably figured out that's just a PART OF my fondly remembered version of the Broadway musical's "Hair"!

Yes, I grew up in that time and, much as I love Sid VIcious' and Billy Idol's spikiness...there is NOTHING sexier, IMO than a guy who has long, flowing, CLEAN locks!

WHO wants to make love to a guy with some angry-military buzz-cut?! UGH...SO non sexy!

Or a mullet? SH** or get off the pot, dude!

the cool thing about hair: IT ALWAYS GROWS BACK!!!!

IT's like can do SO much with it! lol

Ladies:Would you date a guy with long hair?

it depends if he's hot!

Ladies:Would you date a guy with long hair?

I never really liked long hair on guys at least no longer than chin length, but i did date one guy who had long hair past his shoulders and i was nuts about him. he always kept it tied bcak. i think it depends on the guy. does the long hair suit him? how long has he had it long? could he use a change in hair style? maybe ask him to get it cut.

how so you really feel about this guy. if you're thinking of dumping him because of his hair, you should really rethink if he is right for you. maybe it's not a hair issue...otherwise get over it, or see if he'd be interested in cutting it, but force him. i know my ex planned to keep it long for the rest of his life and grow a beard when he's old. that means he'd look like gandolf when he's old and grey. mind you, gandolf is my fav fictional character, but i don't think i could live with that. lol

goof luck, and have a great day

Ladies:Would you date a guy with long hair?

My boyfriend and I have about the same length hair. I think it's fine that he has long hair it's his way of being an individual.

Ladies:Would you date a guy with long hair?

the boy i like has about the same length of hair as me, and i dont mind one bit :D i really dig his "hippie" look and his nice lips! :D thats y im so attracted to him, his personality is just the icing on the cake :D

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