Monday, May 7, 2012

Guy growing hair long?

Hey I'm a dude and I am growing my hair long. How long does it take to get to shoulder length (I have been growing it for 10 months now).

it is kind of thick and wavy, however, I have lost a great deal of hair due to a very very bad shampoo, and to stress. however it still looks thick. Talk amongst yourselves.

Guy growing hair long?

Well it all depends on the person really. Some people can't even grow hair to their shoulders. It takes me probably 12 months to get to shoulder length.

Guy growing hair long?

Just keeep it clean%26amp;healthy.=]

it will grow.

also your diet has to do with how your hair looks.

Guy growing hair long?

Hey I'm growin my hair too :) lol and my hair sounds just like ur's - i been growin mine for 8 months, the front of my hair reaches to the end of my nose when pulled straight down, the sides reach to the end of my jaw and the back kinda looks like a mullet lol- well i know this aint answerin ur ? but ill be checkin back to see what people have to say cause i wanna know too :)

Guy growing hair long?

First let me say...guy with long hair *extremely sexy* second, normal hair grows about 1/4 inch every year...if you want to help the process, egg whites in hair is a good way for a man to grow his hair.....sounds gross but it works, seperate the egg whites from the egg yolks (yellow part) massage into scalp and leave on for about 30 mins...then wash it as normal. for losing hair i say, all curvy and thick hair sheds....mine does, alot, that's just the dead hair falling out...don't stress, but if you are really worried about hair loss check out rogain.....but once again hair doesnt grow at a fast rate, you'll be there in maybe another year, just make sure no split ends and trimmed ever so often....not cut, just a go boy !!!

Guy growing hair long?

First of all, shampoo doesn't cause hair loss, unless it was a strong acid, like lye soap. Stress, and the wrong diet can do it. too. A lot of alcohol, and a high blood sugar will cause hair to come out in clumps. Hair will grow about a half inch to an inch per month. Shoulder length is good, but don't go beyond that as it can look sloppy and straggly. Hope you are ok. Best wishes

Guy growing hair long?

What kind of shampoo were you using? That's kind of scary it would make your hair break off like anyway i would think it should only take it a year or so to get that long. I asked my boyfriend who has long hair and he said it took him about a year and i was thinking about my own hair because i had to get part of my head shaved for surgery and it took it about 4 months to grow 4 inches so i guess it grows about an inch a month. i don't know what that girl is talking about it only growing a 1/4 of an inch a year if it did that no one would have to get hair cuts for years and years. your hair should be getting there before long just start being good to it. you could also start massaging your scalp Ive heard that promotes hair growth. prenatal vitamins also help but i cant see a guy taking those but they make vitamins just for hair. that might help too.

Guy growing hair long?

Your hair growth rate is influenced by several factors. However, you can grow your hair pass your shoulders, even if you have suffered from hair loss. The key is to attack your hair loss on the inside and the outside. If you want to stimulate your hair growth then you need a good hair growth plan of attack that has three necessary components: a healthy eating plan, substantial water intake, and a high quality hair growth and hair care product.

Step One: Buy a High Quality Hair Growth Product

I suggest you go all-natural. Unnatural hair care products are a no-no for someone who wants long-lasting, healthy hair growth. Find a hair growth product that contains powerful essential oils, natural herbs, and vitamin rich nutrients your hair needs to survive. Look for products with ingredients such as: Aloe Vera, Citrus Fruits, Jojoba, Rosemary, and Sage. Make sure you stray away from all natural products that use natural extracts. Extracts are not as powerful as essentials oils. They are a cheap substitute for the real thing. Although there are several natural hair care products on the market, not all hair growth products are created equal. Make sure you read the fine print. Most 閳ユ笜atural閳?products still contain phosphates, sodium lauryl sulfate, petroleum, mineral oil, and other lab created humectants that ultimately damage your hair. My advice---if you can閳ユ獩 read the ingredients, don閳ユ獩 buy the product. When I was searching for a natural hair growth product, I found one really great buy, Beauty 4 Ashes Super Hair Growth System. Finding this company took me awhile; but Beauty 4 Ashes pretty much gives you everything you need to make your hair grow. Foremost, I checked the ingredient listings and the products contained no artificial ingredients. The system also included hair growth vitamins, a great hair healthy eating plan, and even scalp stimulating hair growth exercise routine. At first, the system may seem a bit pricey, but, boy was I impressed with the results. In 9 months, I went from patches of hair to hair just above my shoulders. Now, I am no product junkie; but I have to tell you that this product is worth the money. It does not cost an arm and leg and it is worth every penny you pay. You can find it easily at Also, check for it on Ebay. You may actually find a deal.

Step Two: A Healthy Hair Eating Plan

Your hair is all protein. Thus, you need a protein rich diet, chocked fill of B Vitamins and other hair-strengthening nutrients. Increase your intake of fish. It is full of healthy proteins and essential fatty acids and natural oils your hair needs. In addition, drink a protein supplement or shake everyday. If you follow this plan, not only will your hair grow, but you will also lose weight. That is, of course, if you lay off the junk food. Remember, I warned you too much junk food above.

Step Three: Drink Water

Eight to ten glasses of water is an absolute requirement. Drinking water flushes your body of toxins, chemicals, and impurities that stifle your hair growth and disrupt your hormone and enzyme imbalances. Water also transports the important nutrients your body needs throughout your body. Hate drinking water? Add lemon and Splenda to have a healthy, tasty alternative.

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