Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Guys: how do you like girl hair? short/long/curly/striaght....?

How do you think girls look best? Is it better when they have longer hair or shorter hair? Do you like it best if they switch it up? Like up today, down tomorrow, half up one day... somethin like that? I don't know i was just wondering on what the general consensus was.

閳?thnx for your opinnions 閳?br>Guys: how do you like girl hair? short/long/curly/striaght....?

Long ,shoulder lenght and wavy,that's sexy.

Guys: how do you like girl hair? short/long/curly/striaght....?

Thanks guys for all your help. It's much appreciated. 閳? ^__^ 閳? Report It

Guys: how do you like girl hair? short/long/curly/striaght....?

pig tails

Guys: how do you like girl hair? short/long/curly/striaght....?

Long [shoulder length] and wavy.

Guys: how do you like girl hair? short/long/curly/striaght....?

Shoulder length or longer. Straight/curly/wavy doesn't matter, just as long as it's not short enough to make them look like guys. I really don't care what they do with it.

Guys: how do you like girl hair? short/long/curly/striaght....?

I love it all.

Guys: how do you like girl hair? short/long/curly/striaght....?

they look lovely i nlong hair.....................

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