Friday, March 30, 2012

Is my best friend sinning by growing long hair?

Doesn't it say in the Bible, somewhere, that men aren't supossed to grow long hair? And my best friend is. Is he sinning? His dad's one of the elders at our church, and he's not saying anything about it. Is it okay?

Is my best friend sinning by growing long hair?

LOL, Solly!

"Against nature" to wear one's hair a certain way or another??? If it grows out of one's body, how can it be unnatural in ANY way? (I know I'm preaching to the choir, but it's just so hysterically funny!) Oh, those wacky Hebrews!!!! The things they believed are so arbitrary and crazy.

Jesus supposedly preached that the Jewish practice of forbidding certain foods as "unclean" was incorrect. He said that it is what comes out of a man's mouth that makes him unclean, not what he puts in it. One could VERY easily extrapolate from that statement that Jesus would say that the length of one's hair is utterly unimportant. Perhaps he would say it's what is in one's heart that is important, not on one's head? Or what goes on INSIDE one's head is important, not what grows out of it.

Is my best friend sinning by growing long hair?

As long as he doesn't do it on Sunday.

Is my best friend sinning by growing long hair?

Jesus had long hair, so it's not a sin

Is my best friend sinning by growing long hair?

Well first off I want to know how you know that Jesus had long hair?

Second I grow my hair long and every two years I cut it all off and give it to "Locks of Love" so they can make wigs for sick children.

Is my best friend sinning by growing long hair?

What about Jesus you goof.

Is my best friend sinning by growing long hair?

it's permissible.

Is my best friend sinning by growing long hair?

What??? Jesus had long hair!

And pale skin.

And blue eyes.

Oh, and European facial features.

The bible says you're not supposed to cut off your beard, which is why Jesus has a nice, full, blonde beard.

Is my best friend sinning by growing long hair?

There is no sin.

The passage you are looking for is 1 Corinthians 11:14-15:

"It is nature's arrangement that men should wear short hair, and a woman long. For a man to have long hair and a woman to be shorn are violations of nature's teachings."

Not the first time I've been accused of going against nature...

Is my best friend sinning by growing long hair?

hmm... is there really something in the Bible that says that? you're best friend's not sinning you know. it's okay.

Is my best friend sinning by growing long hair?

There is, but there's also the story of Solomon, who lost all his power when his hair was cut, and regained it when it grew back. As with so many things in the bible, you can find a verse to defend any position. Women aren't supposed to go into a church with their hair uncovered or wearing gold or pearls, either - look around next time and see how many wedding rings are in your church. Nobody follows those rules anyway.

Personally, I think short hair on a guy is a sign of weakness and conformity.

Is my best friend sinning by growing long hair?

why would he be sinning?

jesus had long hair

abraham had long hair

moses had long hair

king david had long hair

actrually i think all the bibical figures in the bible including women had long hair.

if you look in the bible sampson's (sampson and dalilha)long hair was the source of his strength.

sorry don't see the sin here?

Is my best friend sinning by growing long hair?

1Cor.11:13 20 i think this is explaining how tradition or ritual causes a division in Christians so its the persons heart not there length of hair Acts 21:23 26 is another scrip.if it is a sin then being not circumcised is also a no i think these are not a sin

Is my best friend sinning by growing long hair?

Dude, you know as well as I do that Tommy isn't sinning by growing long hair! It's a homage to his Native American side! besides, didn't Jesus have long hair? He was a Nazarene--so was Samson! Absalom grew his hair long, and cut it only once a year, that's why his hair got stuck in a tree, making it easy for Joab to kill him!

Is my best friend sinning by growing long hair?

well i don't think it would be a sin but why don't u try to advice him not to.

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