Wednesday, May 2, 2012

How can i have long hair?

If n e body out dere knows da best way to have kool long hairs like triple h or bollywood superstar john abraham den plzz help me, i want hairs like dat,dey r kool. I will appreciate ur knowledge.

How can i have long hair?

let it grow out

How can i have long hair?

Get extensions at your local hair store or salon :) Good Luck!

How can i have long hair?

You can have hair extension.Or just let it grow.

How can i have long hair?

Well the fastest way to get long hair would be to have extensions put in, but seeing as how the non-fake looking ones go for a few hundred, the best suggestion I can give you is to look for a brand of shampoo specializing in keeping hair long and strong. I personally like Garnier Fructis Length and Strength, meant to help keep hair strong so it will grow. I've heard that shampoos with peppermint will also stimulate hair growth, along with taking vitamin E pills can help also. Remember to use protecting sprays on your hair also if you use heat products because the ends become more fragile and will break off easier if you don't.

How can i have long hair?

Long hair becomes sometime bored. Therefore try to cool ur body with any home remedies. Check it out here.

How can i have long hair?

just don't cut it

hair should grow fast

but you should trim it sumtimes

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