Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Fastest way to grow long hair WITHOUT taking pills?

i already take fish oil tablets. will they help? i want to grow longer hair in about a month possibly? is that possible? please dont say extensions. im not getting them or a wig.

Fastest way to grow long hair WITHOUT taking pills?

travel through time =]

Fastest way to grow long hair WITHOUT taking pills?

avoid using hot tools and use wild growth hair oil its for all races......

Fastest way to grow long hair WITHOUT taking pills?

I don't know if this will help within a

month, but if you get regular trims

it helps your hair grow.

Fastest way to grow long hair WITHOUT taking pills?

well dont brush it a whole lot that causes it too not grow that much just wen u brush it dont keep brushing it after its good.

Fastest way to grow long hair WITHOUT taking pills?

hang ur hair down upside down 4 abt 10 min a day. u dont hav to do it all at once, but scientific research has proven that that helps. also, blow dry ur hair upside down so that ull hav xtra time wit ur hair upside down. i think u can also get hair growth shampoo and conditioner. i kno u can get sum hair growth creme stuff to put in ur hair that makes ur hair grow REALLY thick and fast.good luck!!

Fastest way to grow long hair WITHOUT taking pills?

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- How can you get a faster hair growth

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