Wednesday, May 2, 2012

At which age, does long hair become innapropriate?

I notice that many women start to wear their hair shorter as soon as they hit 40.

Do you agree with this rule?

Also, do you think it's okay for grannies to wear their white hair a bit longer (such as shoulder-length)?

At which age, does long hair become innapropriate?

No. I have seen women who looks more pretty and much younger even if they are more than 40.

I like to see grannies with thier all white hair. They call that golden hair. Having a bit longer golden hair for grannies is ok as long as they know how to take care of their hair.

At which age, does long hair become innapropriate?

nope, it's all a matter of personal taste. I hate short hair on women

At which age, does long hair become innapropriate?

I see nothing wrong with 'grannies" with long hair. Nor is ther a rule about not having long hair after a certain age.

At which age, does long hair become innapropriate?

I don't think their is a certain age to make yer hair short. My mom in her 30's and she has long hair.

At which age, does long hair become innapropriate?

There are no rules! It's YOUR hair wear it as long as you wish no matter what your age!!! Just WHO are you willing to dictate to you how to wear your hair???

At which age, does long hair become innapropriate?

It only becomes inappropriate when it just doesn't look right anymore. Some people age faster than others.

At which age, does long hair become innapropriate?

By the time women are in their 40s, they are just tired of messing with their hair, so they usually just cut it. But I don't think it's something they HAVE to do.

At which age, does long hair become innapropriate?

I think long hair looks better on older women than young ones really. I'm gonna be the grandma with hair to my butt. :)

At which age, does long hair become innapropriate?


At which age, does long hair become innapropriate?

None. If you have healthy long hair, there is nothing wrong with keeping it. I feel that people who are older cut their hair short because it's easier for them to manage.

At which age, does long hair become innapropriate?

Oh I thought this was a question for us guys.. My answer to that is NEVER!

At which age, does long hair become innapropriate?

I'm not sure when it becomes appropriate. I don't think shoulder length hair is inappropriate at any age though. I do think it looks wierd when older grannie women wear long hair that reaches far down their backs. But shoulder length can be flattering and even make you look younger.

At which age, does long hair become innapropriate?

I have very long thick hair down to my butt and I intend to keep it that way until im 109 but then again I run with scissors too.

At which age, does long hair become innapropriate?

i think that women (whatever age) can wear their hair however they want. but i think that if they are older, it looks better shoulder length or shorter

At which age, does long hair become innapropriate?

There's no rule that I know of for older women wearing shorter hair. I think that alot of times they just like to maybe because it is easier and less fuss than long hair. I don't understand why some older women just wrap it all in a bun and wear it that way everyday. I never understood that. In my opinion as long as you choose an appropriate style for your features, then any length is okay.

At which age, does long hair become innapropriate?

I don't like it past 45. It just seems weird. And definate no on the grannie thing.

At which age, does long hair become innapropriate?

That thought went out years ago. Pick the look best for you.

At which age, does long hair become innapropriate?

I see the same thing. I am not 40 but I have worn my hair short for about the last 3 years. For me it is just a matter of convenience. But I do think once you hit a certain age short hair looks better on some people.

At which age, does long hair become innapropriate?

there are no rules....

its ur hair...=]

At which age, does long hair become innapropriate?

that unwritten rule about older women having shorter hair is no longer followed much. now it's more personal preference.

At which age, does long hair become innapropriate?

10 moths. What freakier than a crawling hair saying da da.

At which age, does long hair become innapropriate?

I truely believe that it is a preference thing. Society has placed an "opinion" on this saying that you are too old to wear your hair like that...whatever age and length it may be. I think if more woman wore updated do's later in life, long or not, instead of sticking with the same hair style they have had since college, there would not be so much dislike for it.

At which age, does long hair become innapropriate?

Short hair at a certain age just makes a person look younger. That's why older women tend to get short haircuts.

At which age, does long hair become innapropriate?

overall yes, i agree with the "rule". however I have long and thick hair, and I can't stand short hair, so I plan on going as long as I can with long hair. My mom is 41 and her hair hits a little below her hsoulders and it looks good!

I do think it is okay for grannies, as long as their hair is full and not super thin and brittle looking

At which age, does long hair become innapropriate?

My mother is almost 49. She has really long hair, it is more than half way down her back. Although, I wish she would style it instead of always having pin-straight long hair with no volume. I like to braid it for her and stuff on important days, because I'm silly. So I think you will be okay, as long as it isn't pin-straight and stringy like my mothers.

At which age, does long hair become innapropriate?

There is no rule, if you have healthy hair and it doesn't make you look old wear it long. I think most women go short because is easier to handle and others because hair texture changes with age.

If you like the way you look, that's what you go with.


At which age, does long hair become innapropriate?

I don't care for long gray ponytails, on men or women. I cut my super long hair short because I got tired of washing and drying it every morning. As you get older you look for ways to simplify your life.

At which age, does long hair become innapropriate?

i love long hair but ur hair length is up to u if u think u look good then its fine

At which age, does long hair become innapropriate?

Ok i am only 21 but i have really long hair pass my bottom and i can never bring myself to cut it short. may change when i get older but for right now i don't think i could do that but i think the main reason older woman do it is because it is easier to take care of maybe. I am a CNA and alot of the clients at my nursing home have long hair and it is so pretty. I really depends on the person.

At which age, does long hair become innapropriate?

I don't think it's ever inappropriate on a woman.

Now what looks best and fashionable is a different story. And ease of styling.

I'm over 40 and I wear my hair past my shoulders. But I don't look my age really - I look a little younger. But I do wear it up a lot at work because it looks more businesslike. And I do feel shorter hair makes me look older.

Long hair on some over-40 women does look a little aging. A more layered perk style can look a little younger.

At which age, does long hair become innapropriate?

HA HA "grannies"

I see the grannie look the way both of mine wore their hair which was the traditional "poofball" look ha ha....

I wouldn't have my hair all long, straggely, and gray all the way down to my back or butt like some do, but theres nothing wrong with shoulder lenght hair...i think it looks nice on the older women....lots dye it these days so its hard to tell whose really old or not anyways, what ever makes you feel beautiful is what should matter, not what others think about how it may look.

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