Saturday, April 14, 2012

How do i make my parents allow me to have long hair!!?

I'm 14 years old (boy). I live in the philippines but i study in an international school. I know my parents will want me to have a haircut soon even if my hair isn't even considered "long". I need some kind of argument that would tell them to allow me. I'm an honor student and i've not done anything wrong at all. I believe they are becoming unreasonable. I need things to say . . .

How do i make my parents allow me to have long hair!!?

You know, you're right.

You should be able to represent yourself in any way you want; it's your body.

However, you aren't 18..and parents seem to think that they own you until you are.

Therefore, it would be advisable to simply ask them for a legitimate reason why you can't keep it long.

My guess is that they won't be able to come up with a good reason..because there really isn't one.

Maybe once you cause them to realize this, they'll be more reasonable!

Good luck!

How do i make my parents allow me to have long hair!!?

tell them you want to be a girl

How do i make my parents allow me to have long hair!!?

tell them that there is nothing wrong with having long hair. and let them know that its your hair and your the one who is going to be wearing it so it should be the way you want it to.

How do i make my parents allow me to have long hair!!?

I say you sit them down and talk about it. Let them know your 14 years old, yes still a young adult but not a child. Tell them that teenagers go through fades all the time, and then ask them how they used to dress or wear their hair. When they say that is irrelevant or that they did everything just as their parents asked. Let them know that the times have changed and all you are trying to do is express your individuality. Good luck!

How do i make my parents allow me to have long hair!!?

just be like:

***i want long hair and if you make me cut it then ill get my tounge(or something else) pierced'

***i refuse to go to school if you make me cut my hair'

How do i make my parents allow me to have long hair!!?

ya want long hair thats wickid...shows ya not afraid to be different...which is defiantly something to be proud of now a days...just tell ya parents ya not doing it to annoy them...that your doing it to be different and show you individuality...they should respect this decision and should be proud that you want to be different...good luck and hope ya can grow ya hair im sure it will look sweet XD


How do i make my parents allow me to have long hair!!?

its not all that great. in 8th grade i shaved my head for charity, and was bald the hole year. i wanted to have long hair so i grew it out from march of eighth grade to october, got it cut short, and grew it out untill july a month ago. it got pretty long, and just got greasy and i got zits. i got it cut short, and im gonna let it grow it out a little more. believe me, in hot weather it all getts matted up and disgusting

How do i make my parents allow me to have long hair!!?

Your parents want you to look like a boy - NOT a girl!!!!!

Respect your parents and stop complaining and whining!!!

How do i make my parents allow me to have long hair!!?

I believe that kids should be able to express their creativity however they want. Here are a few things I would suggest; start by compiling a list of successful people with long hair, second find a picture of how you want your hair cut and a style that you can wear that looks professional for special occassions so that they know it is tasteful, and finally an idea that I think is wonderul is to grow it long for Locks of Love, a charity that takes donated hair and makes wigs for children with cancer. Each ponytail must be at least 12 inches long. I'm sure your parents would let you support such a great cause.

How do i make my parents allow me to have long hair!!?

tell them it looks cute...if that dosnt work say its my hair i can do w/e i want wit it.

How do i make my parents allow me to have long hair!!?

Tell them it looks hot. Its cool. And you just want to be different and try something new. In the US a lot of guess your age have their hair long. It looks awesome. Just argue with them and do anything possible to not make them get your hair cut.

How do i make my parents allow me to have long hair!!?

You're a boy and you want long hair? You sound like a fruit to me. Be a MAN.. long her is for girls. If you were my son I'd let you grow your hair long.. then cutt it off and make a rope out of it to beat you with.

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