Thursday, April 26, 2012

Why is jesus is seen in a painting with long hair?

new testament

corinthians 1

verse14 " isn't it obvious thatit's disgraceful for a man to have long hair?

Why is jesus is seen in a painting with long hair?

Jesus was a great hypocrite undoubtedly.

He preached about not having long hair and loving your neighbors and all that stuff... and in the next chapter he talks about sending non-believers to be tortured for eternity.

Why is jesus is seen in a painting with long hair?

They didn't have barber's back then.

Why is jesus is seen in a painting with long hair?


Why is jesus is seen in a painting with long hair?

those who believed that painting is either deceived or ignorant.

Why is jesus is seen in a painting with long hair?

contemporary art

Why is jesus is seen in a painting with long hair?

Artists thought it made him look sexy.

Why is jesus is seen in a painting with long hair?

I've heard that was a custom of Hebrews.

Why is jesus is seen in a painting with long hair?

It never tells in the bible that Jesus wore long


Why is jesus is seen in a painting with long hair?

Well, that's just the painters rendition of Jesus. In his time the truth is no self respecting man would wear his hair long and with a beard.

Why is jesus is seen in a painting with long hair?

i'll answer you straight from the bible

Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth:

Deuteronomy 5:8

Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me ,

Deuteronomy 5:9

King James Version

Thou shall not make graven images

Why is jesus is seen in a painting with long hair?

It's just a picture, that is not Jesus! None, except those who lived at the time of Jesus knows what His hair looked like/or what He looked like. And that's only if they seen Him. Don't make a mountain out of a molehill.

Why is jesus is seen in a painting with long hair?

I don't see that in I Corinthians 1:14 or II Corinthians 1:14. Neither verse says anything of the sort. Open a Bible and read it for a change. If you don't believe me...check out the following links from the King James Version

Why is jesus is seen in a painting with long hair?

1) He is a Jewish man and they didn't cut they sideburns

2) He is a Nazerian and they didn't cut their hair

3) most men back them and women let their hair grow because it kept them cool in the sun and warm in the nighttime

4) the Shroud of Turin shows Him with long hair

I'm sure there are a few other reasons.

Why is jesus is seen in a painting with long hair?

Hair length is relative; according to the historian Josephus, Jesus had shoulder length hair. For women, the Bible says their hair is for their covering. Hair has to be pretty long to cover ones breasts.

Eusebius of Caesarea says he saw many photos of Jesus, some in color. He also mentions a life sized bronze statue of Jesus and the woman with the issue in front of her house. Islamic invasions destroyed these icons and bronze was smelted into cannons for their Jihads.

Believe it or not, there is a surviving photo of Jesus. Think you will find it at

Blessings, Balaam

Why is jesus is seen in a painting with long hair?

Check this picture and tell me your opinion

Why is jesus is seen in a painting with long hair?

The same reason why he's shown as a white man, instead of the traditional Jewish features. It's playing to the populaus.


Why is jesus is seen in a painting with long hair?

It's 1 Corinthians 11:14, and Jesus would not have had long hair. Long hair was exceptable on a nazarite, or one who dedicated his life to God before Jesus' time.

Why is jesus is seen in a painting with long hair?

People want Jesus to be like they are. Catacombs in the Roman Empire from the 2nd - 4th century show him with short hair and no beard (though Jewish rabbis all had beards) - others who've painted them tend to place features on him more similar to their race:

Regardless, I think many more recent paintings are modeled after the shroud image - which certainly shows he had long hair, a moustache, and a beard (if it is him):

Many images can be found here also:

Why is jesus is seen in a painting with long hair?

Not when it applies to Jesus.

Why is jesus is seen in a painting with long hair?

I never saw a painting with long hair. or hair at all. It must be a new art form.

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