Friday, April 27, 2012

What's your best way of presenting a debate on male college students be allowed to wear long ha

what's your insight on male college students allowed to wear long hair?

What's your best way of presenting a debate on male college students be allowed to wear long hair?

I go to college and have long hair...never had a problem with it.

What's your best way of presenting a debate on male college students be allowed to wear long hair?

Wow. You must come from a very traditional country.

North America, nobody would dream of regulating that. Lots of guys have long hair, waist-long dreads, piercings, tatoos, etc. At the best uni in the country. So tell them to join the rest of the world and get with the times.

What's your best way of presenting a debate on male college students be allowed to wear long hair?

that people have a right to be who they are and look and dress the way they choose?

What's your best way of presenting a debate on male college students be allowed to wear long hair?

Some real "radicals" wore their hair long: Jesus is almost always depicted as having long hair, most of the founding fathers of the United States had long hair, many of the respected scholars of all times had long hair. It's hair; it doesn't (in and of itself) affect behavior.

What's your best way of presenting a debate on male college students be allowed to wear long hair?

Sexism: Why would long hair be the sole prerogative of female college students?

(How long?..shoulder or to the floor?) Surely the goal is to be clean and well-groomed. After that, it's personal choice.

Does an institution have the write to set its own standards for grooming? If a student chooses a college, he knows its codes. They would be in the school's handbook. If he doesn't like the code, why would he want to change it? Why not attend another college where hair length is not a concern?

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