Friday, April 27, 2012

When is it too old for a guy to still have long hair?

or do you think a guy should even have long hair? is so, why?

When is it too old for a guy to still have long hair?

It all depends how the guys looks with long hair. And how well he manages and keeps his hair. Most guys long hair is ratty, frizzy, and for the most part - unkept.

If you're balding - no trying to keep your long hair. Cut it off, shave your head, you'll look good.

If you have long hair, make sure you are using a good conditioner for your hair - use the conditioner or cut your hair short. Those are your options.

When is it too old for a guy to still have long hair?

anything over 37...but it depends

When is it too old for a guy to still have long hair?

The day he was born.

When is it too old for a guy to still have long hair?

some people look better with long hair and some look better with shorter

When is it too old for a guy to still have long hair?

doesnt matter , personal style. in native american heritage you are never too old.

When is it too old for a guy to still have long hair?

Willie Nelson is't far away....

When is it too old for a guy to still have long hair?

17 years old

When is it too old for a guy to still have long hair?

I think the long hair should just be left for girls. i think they look akward

When is it too old for a guy to still have long hair?

Never man. if it hasnt fallen out, wear it like a trophy.

When is it too old for a guy to still have long hair?


When is it too old for a guy to still have long hair?

never so long as it looks good

When is it too old for a guy to still have long hair?


When is it too old for a guy to still have long hair?

NEVER!!! Long live liberty, long live long hair!

Haven't you ever watched the musical "Hair"?

Long hair rules man.


When is it too old for a guy to still have long hair?

I don't think it should be AGE related. But when it's obviously hiding a bald spot, it's time for a new do.

When is it too old for a guy to still have long hair?

Gandalf in movie lord of the ring has long hairs - NO AGE GROW UP UR HAIR!! =P :)

When is it too old for a guy to still have long hair?

i donno

When is it too old for a guy to still have long hair?

I think it should be up to the indivdual.

When is it too old for a guy to still have long hair?

guys with long hair isn't my thing cause it feels like I'm kissing a girl but who cares if youre 50 with long hair

When is it too old for a guy to still have long hair?

When is it too old for a guy to still have long hair?

Why would you even ask that wear your hair whatever way you want , long, short, skin head for all anyone cares. There's no age limit cut off...

When is it too old for a guy to still have long hair?

You are never too old too have long hair, especially since age makes you bald. I say "Keep as much of it for as long as you can"

When is it too old for a guy to still have long hair?

21 welcome to the real world

When is it too old for a guy to still have long hair?

After your 20 it needs to go. It makes you look old and nasty. You wont be taken seriously and its makes you look like a slob. My Dad has long hair and I think its gross. He is 57. I have no idea what his deal is but it makes him look so much older and and its just gross!

When is it too old for a guy to still have long hair?

well it depends on the personality, i think the way they look and how it goes with them. like some people look good with long hair and doesn't look right in short. so if you look right in the long then why cut it.

When is it too old for a guy to still have long hair?

It's too old once you start asking yourself this question. People who have long hair don't realize how long their hair really is.

It's good to mix it up now and then. Hair grows pretty fast.

When is it too old for a guy to still have long hair?

i say any age is just a no

but i think by the time they hit 20, they should get out the scissors, and razor. when your 20 you should look somewhat respectable, and i think long hair defeats that purpose in a business environment.

When is it too old for a guy to still have long hair?

i think you should do whatever makes you happy! Who cares what society thinks, but do be ready to deal with some harsh comments

Note: I do believe that societies opinion is important in some aspects but when it comes to something as little as how long your hair is, I say: WHO CARES YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE SO DO WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY!!

When is it too old for a guy to still have long hair?

My husband is 44 and his hair is to his shoulders because I cut it that way!! But I'v always liked long hair, as long as it is kept looking neat it doesn't matter how old you are!

When is it too old for a guy to still have long hair?

ever seen kill bill? he rocked his hair proudly

When is it too old for a guy to still have long hair?


When is it too old for a guy to still have long hair?

One can have long hair at any age. My own preference is for short hair at any age, but others have their own opinions, to which they are entitled.

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