Saturday, April 14, 2012

Why was it cool for Solomon to have long hair?

Since I'm not a scholar and can reference where the jesus had long hair or not. I do clearly remember where Solomon did and Deliahlia cut it and he lost his strength.

Why was it cool for Solomon to have long hair?

It was actuall hot to have long hair so he proably didn't have it. what is this facination with hair?

Why was it cool for Solomon to have long hair?

She cut samson's hair you twit!

Why was it cool for Solomon to have long hair?

That was def. Samson my dear.

Why was it cool for Solomon to have long hair?

You don't mean Solomon you mean Samson. His mother was commanded to never cut his hair because it was symbolic of his commitment to God, so it says in Judges that when Delilah cut his hair the Lord left him and his strength was lost. So it was cool to have long hair because it meant that he was very strong and he had God's presence with him.

Why was it cool for Solomon to have long hair?

Samson was under a Nazarite vow from birth. Nazarites were not allowed to cut their hair, drink alcohol, eat grapes or drink grape juice, touch dead bodies, and probably a couple of other things that I can't remember right now.

Jesus (aka Yeshua) probably never had long hair. He was not a Nazarite, and it was the custom of the day (and nature, according to Paul) for Jewish men to keep their hair short and their beards long.

Why was it cool for Solomon to have long hair?

It was Samson.

The reason he had long hair was because he was dedicated to god from his birth. He was a Nazerite. They did not cut their hair. They could only eat certain foods. They couldn't touch dead things. Samson broke most of these rules. His inhuman strength came from his hair. When Delilah cut it he lost his strength. He was blinded and put to turning a millstone. When his hair grew back. He destroyed a whole arena full of the Philistines. Himself along with them, but he finally lived up to his Nazerite vow.

Why was it cool for Solomon to have long hair?

Other posters have answered this question well, except for one small point. Delilah did not cut Samson's hair.

Rather than tell who actually did, I'll let you look it up.

The full story of Samson is in Judges, chapters 13 through 16. The particular reference is Judges 16:19

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