Saturday, April 14, 2012

Why has Jesus Christ always been depicted with a beard & long hair?Was it socially acceptable?

Was it socially acceptable for young orthodox Jewish men of the time in which Christ lived to have long hair %26amp; beards?That wasn't the case with Greek %26amp; Roman men,who are always depicted with short hair %26amp; no beards.

Why has Jesus Christ always been depicted with a beard %26amp; long hair?Was it socially acceptable?

Beards were not only standard, but almost a requirement for Jewish males of that time. Plus, it says that when the soliders were beating Jesus that they also ripped the hairs from his beard. So he had to have had a beard.

The length of the hair is another issue. Jewish males of that time normally wore eyelocks, which where locks of curled hair that came down in front of their ears, usually sholuder length or more. The rest of the hair was usually down to their collar or beyond.

As for the Romans and the Greeks, you correct about the short hair. It was a requirement in both countries army. It made it impossible for an enemy solider to grab either their hair or beard in a battle (ouch!!). From there it became a fad with the rest of Roman society. Even today, most countries military still requires short hair.

Why has Jesus Christ always been depicted with a beard %26amp; long hair?Was it socially acceptable?

All spiritual people have kept long hair. Whether it was Christ, or Hindu gods like Krishna or Ram. So did Buddha.

Among modern religions, Sikhism makes it mandatory for all followers to keep long hair. Sikh prophets kept long hair and Sikh men never shave or trim their hair or beard. Report It

Why has Jesus Christ always been depicted with a beard %26amp; long hair?Was it socially acceptable?

In early pictures he Jesus depicted with short hair, not different from any other typical Jew of that day. The change came when Constantine made Christianity the official religion of Rome.

see the link below for the full story. Report It

Why has Jesus Christ always been depicted with a beard %26amp; long hair?Was it socially acceptable?

The images we associate with Jesus were created in the middle ages. Same reason why he's usually depicted as white. The church assigned a group of artists, and they came up with an image for Jesus. They needed something the common people could identify with. Since the majority was illiterate, it was important to have something recognizable in the churches.

Why has Jesus Christ always been depicted with a beard %26amp; long hair?Was it socially acceptable?

Perhaps. The beard protected them from sand and etc. Paintings are just paintings. I think he had a beard and long hair because it was the custom of the Hebrew faith.

Why has Jesus Christ always been depicted with a beard %26amp; long hair?Was it socially acceptable?

The Bible itself states Jesus had a beard because it was plucked out before the Crucifixion. But the New Testament states that even nature itself shows that long hair on a man is a shame, so I don't believe He had long hair.

Why has Jesus Christ always been depicted with a beard %26amp; long hair?Was it socially acceptable?

It was not only acceptable but it is a biblical law, they were not supposed to have tattoos or ear rings either.

Why has Jesus Christ always been depicted with a beard %26amp; long hair?Was it socially acceptable?

"I like to picture Jesus in a tuxedo t-shirt, cause it says im formal,but im also here to party. I like to party so I like my Jesus to party too"....lmfao

Why has Jesus Christ always been depicted with a beard %26amp; long hair?Was it socially acceptable?

I dont know? I think that is a good question.

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