Monday, April 16, 2012

What should i tell my friends? when they say i need my hair cut? i love it real long & they want

Im not a kid ( middle age woman ) who enjoys real long hair, Yes my ends are spilt a little, big deal, its my head, im tired of my friends asking me if they can cut my hair, i take care of my hair %26amp; i put good Conditioner on my hair %26amp; leave it on few hours, %26amp; my neighbors thinks its pretty, Im getting so frustrated with my best friends, Give me ideas %26amp; HELP %26amp; THANKS,

What should i tell my friends? when they say i need my hair cut? i love it real long %26amp; they want to chop it ?

I would leave it the way it is. long hair is beautiful and if you cut it you are going to regret it. tell your friends it is your hair and back off

What should i tell my friends? when they say i need my hair cut? i love it real long %26amp; they want to chop it ?

tell them to F off is UR HAIR! grr I hate nosy people like that

What should i tell my friends? when they say i need my hair cut? i love it real long %26amp; they want to chop it ?

Cut the splits off....bad condition hair once we get to middle age looks awful....your friends are not saying it to bug you but to make you look better...

What should i tell my friends? when they say i need my hair cut? i love it real long %26amp; they want to chop it ?

Trim the split ends, they look horrible, and its just good grooming. I bet they'll stop bothering you. Remember your neighbors only see you from the driveway, your friends see you up close and personal.

What should i tell my friends? when they say i need my hair cut? i love it real long %26amp; they want to chop it ?

it's your hair, if you like it long, keep it like that ! Don't feel pressure. If they have that big of a problem with it, maybe their not the best of friends. find friends that like you for who you are! ^_^ kudos , good luck

What should i tell my friends? when they say i need my hair cut? i love it real long %26amp; they want to chop it ?

You go Bebe....thats what I'd do. I'd be like this is my hair and I wear it whatever I feel like wearing it and how would you like it if I didnt like this or that about u. Being a woman I hate it sometimes cause women are so judgemental towards other women and if they just mind they own damn businesss then the world may become a better world....

What should i tell my friends? when they say i need my hair cut? i love it real long %26amp; they want to chop it ?

Tell them to mind their own business.

What should i tell my friends? when they say i need my hair cut? i love it real long %26amp; they want to chop it ?

Don't cut it too long, you'll loose your strength!

What should i tell my friends? when they say i need my hair cut? i love it real long %26amp; they want to chop it ?

I'll tell you want i told my 6 yr old daughter, they are just jealous of your beautiful hair. If you want to keep it long just go in for your regular trims to keep it looking really healthy and tell them that it dont matter if they like it you do and they should respect that. My 6 yr old is the only one in her grade that has hair thats practically to her bottom, every other girl has hair shoulder length or shorter and they have been trying to get her to cut it since kindergarten (shes in 1st now) I simply just told her that its not getting cut just because her friends want her with short hair, and when she is old enough to pay for her haircuts then she can do what she pleases with it, but until then i deal with the brushing and doing it and im happy with it long so it stays long. And for some people they would love to have long hair, me especially, mine stops growing once it hits the shoulder blades, no matter if i keep it healthy or do nothing to it. Keep your stand and keep it long!!!!

What should i tell my friends? when they say i need my hair cut? i love it real long %26amp; they want to chop it ?

Depending on the length, I too, love long hair, and am growing it out REAL long. It's got quite a nice length to it... but if you have split ends, get then trimmed. People don't realize, but hair can be really nice when really long, IF maintained, and that includes getting an inch or two cut off to keep it healthy. I have this 'fear' of haircuts, so I can understand the fear of someone telling you to get it cut and such. But honestly, hair needs to e cut once in awhile. And since it grows on an average of half an inch a month, it'll grow back in no time.

I've seen women with hair down to their ankles, and it's just not so hot looking. It gets thinner at the end and eventually disappears, and like, a good trim every so often would help reduce that!

What should i tell my friends? when they say i need my hair cut? i love it real long %26amp; they want to chop it ?

I can almost picture your hair, because it sounds like mine, get a ceramic hair stratener to control the frizzy ends, I bet you don't have that much split ends, it is probably just uncontrolable/frizzy, I always would trim my hair thinking it was split ends, or looks dry, but when I looked at what I cut off, I would get mad because it was healthy hair. You need to tell your friend that if she is a real friend she would leave you alone because she is making you feel uncomfortable. I have heard crap about my hair my whole life, but the reality is I have beautiful hair that other people want, and you do to. wear it the way you want, but do things with it to tame it and make it look less split. I also recommend using a dime size of conditoner when your hair is wet and leaving it in. I also use the ceramic stratener when my hair is still damp, this way I don't burn it. I think it also seals in moisture. years ago I did the same with hot rollers and curling Irons. It makes your hair look smooth. I'm 40, and I notice the older I get my hair does change and I need to change my way of caring for it. You need to have a talk with your friend. also if you have a husband or a boyfriend, ask him what he thinks, majority of men prefer long hair.

What should i tell my friends? when they say i need my hair cut? i love it real long %26amp; they want to chop it ?

it doesnt matter what your friends want to do wit your hair....its not theirs, you do wateva u want to do with your hair...if u think u should cut it, then cut it if u think u should keep your hair long then do wat u do, but dont change your hair because of what your friends think...they not gon be there all the time.

What should i tell my friends? when they say i need my hair cut? i love it real long %26amp; they want to chop it ?

JUst ignore them. If your hair is pretty why bother having a hair cut. Anyway if you like you can tell them that if they dont want your hair long, it's no longer their problem.

The thing is you should maintain a healthy hair.

What should i tell my friends? when they say i need my hair cut? i love it real long %26amp; they want to chop it ?

well you should prolly get a trim every once in a while bc split ends look gross and tacky. and after awhile your ends start to get dry and dead so just get a trim and youll be good.

if your friends still have a pob tell them to lay off its your hair you can do what you want.

What should i tell my friends? when they say i need my hair cut? i love it real long %26amp; they want to chop it ?

You can shut them up by getting a Buzz Cut! You'll love the freedom!

What should i tell my friends? when they say i need my hair cut? i love it real long %26amp; they want to chop it ?

trim the split ends at a good salon and massage your hair with oil regularly....this will make your hair beautiful and healthy much to your friends' envy!!!

glad to know u like long hair... i'm a long hair freak too

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