Friday, April 20, 2012

What is it with parents and their son who wants to grow his hair long?

My mom has told me that she doesnt have a problem with me wanting to have long hair but she did tell me that i cant have long hair and work for her in the family business (bed and breakfast). I do not see what her problem is about it. I see nothing wrong with me having long hair while i still work for my mom.

What is it with parents and their son who wants to grow his hair long?

Well, you've gotta choose which is more important, growing out ur hair or respecting ur mum. i'd say grow it out ;) and if ur mum objects, tell her you can... idk let her put it in a ponytail or braid it (ooo full metal alchemist style!) or smthing, so it will be out of the way and look profesional. or say u can shove it up under a hat! haha :P so yeah i say go for it and grow it out and if ur mum has a problem w/ it, she can deal w/ it... but your her own son, and i'm sure she'd rather have u working for her than not, long hair or not! i'm sure its just her way of controlling u, but (unless u kno she's mad serious bout it) i'd just grow it out.

What is it with parents and their son who wants to grow his hair long?

some parents dont like it becaus it makes their kids look older... that makes them sad... :(

What is it with parents and their son who wants to grow his hair long?

She could let you work in a have to decide which is more important...freedom of expression or your could get another job.

What is it with parents and their son who wants to grow his hair long?

Theres nothing wrong with it. Especially these days all men have hairstyles now!

What is it with parents and their son who wants to grow his hair long?

I wont let my son have long hair either. I dont think its attractive on a man. A man should have short hair. I'm not saying it should be buzzed off but it should atleast be cut decent.

Just a thing us Mom's have, you have to respect your Mom's wishes, even if you dont agree with them!

What is it with parents and their son who wants to grow his hair long?

Well maybe she thinks its not professional. See if there's a haircut that'll please you and your mom. Or find another job! =)

What is it with parents and their son who wants to grow his hair long?

it depends how old u r

What is it with parents and their son who wants to grow his hair long?

Well, in my opinion, it just doesn't look good. When you are working at a Bed and Breakfast (to serve people) you should be clean cut. Also, guys shouldn't have long hair. Hope it works out.

What is it with parents and their son who wants to grow his hair long?

I think it's fine, as long as it's keep clean ( i've seen some pretty gross long hair on guys :/ ) You can look really professional with a nice slicked back ponytail. My brother does it all the time :) Show your mom and see what she thinks!

What is it with parents and their son who wants to grow his hair long?

i think guys with long hair are cute

What is it with parents and their son who wants to grow his hair long?

Personally, I do not like long hair on men but to each their own. Your mom may not have a problem with long hair but a lot of people do. Therefore, since it is a business, she may feel that some people may not like it and therefore take their business elsewhere. Maybe you can reach a compromise with her and offer to tie it back in a ponytail while you are working.

What is it with parents and their son who wants to grow his hair long?

Maybe because sometimes long hair can make a person look unprofessional. If it isn't properly cared for you might end up looking like a bum. I believe that's why your mom doesn't want you to grow your hair out.

What is it with parents and their son who wants to grow his hair long?

some parents don't like it cuz:

1. They think their child is gay

2. Boys aren't supposed to have long hair


3. It's UGLY

What is it with parents and their son who wants to grow his hair long?

Both my son's had long hair until they chose to cut it off. When they worked or went to school they had it in a braid so as no hair would fall into what ever they were doing; See if the local hair stylist can help out in the area of putting your hair in a manly shape for work. My husband has long hair. I find it very sensual to see long hair on a man. But that is my taste. I was a USMC so my tastes are mine. You are old enough to make up your own mind.

What is it with parents and their son who wants to grow his hair long?

u make me smile

What is it with parents and their son who wants to grow his hair long?

Why don't you ask her if girls work for you if they are allowed to have long hair. If so, then tell her that that is discrimination against men and file a lawsuit.

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