Friday, April 20, 2012

What do you think of 4 year old boys with long hair?

My son has some big boy skater friends and he wants long hair like they have. He's going to start kindergarden in August. What do you think people will think if I let him grow his hair long?

What do you think of 4 year old boys with long hair?

I think its great. Its not permanent, so if he gets sick of it there's always the magic of haircuts!

Build his self esteem and teach him not to give a crap what strangers think about his outward appearence. Thats what I do!

My 2y.o. has long blond curls and is always being mistaken for a girl, even when dressed in blue etc...

I will cut it when and if he asks. I did the same with my daughter and she has had one trim in 11 years.

i believe in gender equality.

What do you think of 4 year old boys with long hair?

They'll think you're a sucky parent.

What do you think of 4 year old boys with long hair?

its a good start ROCK ON little dude!!!!!!!

What do you think of 4 year old boys with long hair?

I think there cute

What do you think of 4 year old boys with long hair?

I think they need a haircut.

What do you think of 4 year old boys with long hair?

I hate long hair, Unless its blonde and its on a woman! lol

What do you think of 4 year old boys with long hair?

LOL a 4-year old boy with long hair? Suggests to me that his parents are rednecks.

What do you think of 4 year old boys with long hair?

I like how the skater look is but, dont let it get to long only to about a little below his ears.

What do you think of 4 year old boys with long hair?

I personally can't stand it. I wouldn't let my kid do it. But then again, I'm not a parent. I'd make him wait until he's older to let him do something like that.

What do you think of 4 year old boys with long hair?


first thing thatll come to mind



hes 4 yrs old!!!?

What do you think of 4 year old boys with long hair?

If you let his hair grow long people will think that you are a hippie parent

What do you think of 4 year old boys with long hair?

No... Maybe I'm old fashioned, but I really hate it when I see little boys with long hair. Not only do they look like girls, but it just seems trashy. It's ultimately your choice, but be ready for people to think he's a girl.

What do you think of 4 year old boys with long hair?

I think it is cool to let children help make decisions like this. It creates self esteem and makes your child feel like their voice is being heard. Now a days, anything goes!

What do you think of 4 year old boys with long hair?

Moms and Dads with kids are always gonna criticize the parenting of another lother or father, if you think its cute on him and not too long then go ahead and let it grow, .......personally my limit would be hair that goes past the chin and bangs that go below his eyes

What do you think of 4 year old boys with long hair?

I personally wouldn't let my 4 year old grow his hair out just yet. But that's just me - because I think it looks kind of sloppy. I wouldn't give it much thought to see that on someone else's kid, though. If it doesn't bother you and you don't mind getting the occasional dirty look from other parents, go for it.

What do you think of 4 year old boys with long hair?

Who cares what people think? Honestly! I'm sure you will get a couple comments about it, but just tell people that he wanted to do it, and you don't have a problem with it. If it isn't hurting your son or anyone else, there isn't a problem. YOU are the parent, not other people!!!

What do you think of 4 year old boys with long hair?

Well, there's nothing wrong with long hair in and of itself. Of course, the other kids will probably make fun of him and leave lipstick on his desk and call him girls' names and such. If you don't mind permanently damaging him socially, I'd say that you should let him go for it.

What do you think of 4 year old boys with long hair?

very cute. I know a lot of young boys with long hair. Keep it braided.

What do you think of 4 year old boys with long hair?

i think boys look adorable with longer hair. maybe you could negotiate with him and make sure its trimmed to maybe just below his ears. he may be just a little young for super long hair just because i have a half brother that is also 4 and i could not imagine him with hair down to his shoulders. look at it this way...atleast he doesn't want a mohawk, i've seen sooo many little boys that are like 7 or 8 with them.

What do you think of 4 year old boys with long hair?

In my opinion, I'm guessing its okay to let him grow his hair but not over his shoulders.


How awesome,

a going-to-be-a-kindergardener hanging out with skaters.

What do you think of 4 year old boys with long hair?

No problem Just no rat tail or mullet please.

What do you think of 4 year old boys with long hair?

i think its very cute

i totally encourage freedom of speech especially to little kids

What do you think of 4 year old boys with long hair?

It really depends on where you live. It is not going to go over well in the Bible-Belt. Perhaps the best ideas can come from school officials where you son is going to start. It takes a few hours to ask them, and they may give you some important information. Generally, it is NOT a good thing to make your child "stand out" in school. I hate to say it, but starting school is a timed to conform. You may get away with it later, but don't put your child in harm's way on the first day of school...


What do you think of 4 year old boys with long hair?

hes cool and he probably will look cute

What do you think of 4 year old boys with long hair?


What do you think of 4 year old boys with long hair?

I think he should listen to his parents.Whatever they say is right.But if you ask me,i say he should not try to look like others.He is fine the way he is.

He should wait to grow his hair longer.

What do you think of 4 year old boys with long hair?

I think boys with long hair is neat and cute!! I think as long as you keep it shaped so it does not look to girly than go for it. Not all boys look good though with long hair so it is up to you sweetie.

What do you think of 4 year old boys with long hair?

His hair length does not matter. Just make sure that he as a person is doing well. Help him learn to read, get him a language class and put him in a sport.

btw: There are a lot of people who make a lot of money from skateboarding professionally. If your son likes it maybe he'll be a successful one day at it.

What do you think of 4 year old boys with long hair?

My only cconcern with having longer hair is the upkeep. How many little boys that you know comb their hair and keep it neat. Look around, most kids with longer hair have it all messy and sticking up in different directions. I keep both my boys hair short - I can barely get then to brush their teeth and wash their hands let alone comb their hair daily!

What do you think of 4 year old boys with long hair?

Long hair looks for lice if they are around the school. Keep it short its not in style anymore.

What do you think of 4 year old boys with long hair?

First off, dont worry about other people's opinions. My cousin grew out her son's hair and it's past his ears. He looks cute and this is the style he liked. I mean I don't see the big deal on how people wear their hair. I've seen little girls w/ hair as short as a boy.

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