Monday, April 23, 2012

What can I do to get my long hair thicker, It is falling out and dry?

I have been so stressed, and worried lately about most everything, including my cat getting sick, the toxic food warnings, food shortages, political events, and increase in crime. I have to force myself to eat, I only weigh 106 lbs, I don't have energy, but I take whole foods supplements, that are the best. Can stress cause my hair to get this bad? Do I need biotin? I can't get to sleep early, and when I fall asleep many times after 20 minutes I wake up and it takes a long time to fall back to sleep. I also had some panic attacks this past month. I eat mostly organic food, and drink deionized water. I crave chocolate and sweets, but after I eat them an hour later I feel weak and shaky. Does anyone have any suggestions? I am still a 60's flower child, I won't take any perscriptions, so only natural and organic remedies please.

What can I do to get my long hair thicker, It is falling out and dry?

Take plenty of vitamin C several times during the day and over time your hair and general health are certain to improve.

Also try to find a copy of Dr. Linus Pauling's book: How to live longer and stay healthy. He is a Nobel prize winner and knows what he is talking of.

What can I do to get my long hair thicker, It is falling out and dry?

Stop your use of hair products,they can assist the hair loss.Eat well with a good amount of protein.Get some rest and advise from your doctor and consult someone about stress management

What can I do to get my long hair thicker, It is falling out and dry?

You need to see a doctor. Of course, it could be anything, but what comes to my mind immediately is a thyroid condition. I'm hypothyroid (slow thyroid) and have the same symptoms.

I'm a 60's flower child myself, but I see no reason to ban all prescription drugs. Yes, for some things there may be organic remedies, but sometimes only modern medicine will do. And while a thyroid condition doesn't sound as serious as oh, say, a heart condition, it can be just as nasty when not regulated. Check it out on line, if your thyroid isn't functioning properly, it not only can cause dry skin, brittle hair and nails, and impair your ability to concentrate, but you can pretty much blow out your central nervous system!

A simple blood test will tell you about your thyroid. If it's not your thyroid, or other such condition, yes, it could just be stress. If that's the case, you can skip prescription drugs, and go the route of exercise (yoga or pilates are great). But you really should see your doctor to rule out something serious. I don't trust modern medicine much either, but without it, we'd all be dead by our 50's. Personally, I'd rather just take a pill now and then and stick around. Take care of yourself.

What can I do to get my long hair thicker, It is falling out and dry?

You need a 7 day or maybe even a 30 day detox. Check GNC or Vitamin WOrld or a naural foods store. Star with the detox cleanse. While you are doing this, start taking a good whole food supplement and take extra Vitamin B/folic acid and Biotin. This will help witth your hair problems. You might need extra protein as well. Organic meat is great. Otherwise start aking a proein shake everyday. To help sleep I recommend Valerian.

What can I do to get my long hair thicker, It is falling out and dry?

Buy a wig?

What can I do to get my long hair thicker, It is falling out and dry?

As the last answerer said - it sounds symptomatic of a low thyroid function. This is a natural occurrence so if you leave nature to follow its natural course you will slow down so much you end up with other conditions such as heart disease, stroke and chest infections, all of which are eventually likely to kill you.

I understand completely how you feel, but nature has a way of weeding us out as we age! I personally, would rather take one or two chemical compounds (some of which have their origins in natural medicine) than pop off before I've finished being a flower child! (I intend to live a long and exciting life and enjoy every moment - disgracefully if necessary!) Don't get too hung up on having to let a long held tenet go by the by. Only you and your doctor really need to know!

So... get a blood test and ask what treatments are available. (Its usually thyroxine though)

BTW - why are you punishing yourself so much with this slavish adherence to your diet? It doesn't necessarily seem to be giving you a happy quality of life. Relax it a little - maybe slob out once or twice a week with some junk food? Its all about balance. Best of luck!!

Ps - before you build in other 'natural' or artificial chemicals to treat this, make sure you have been checked out - if you have a liver problem some things can be worsened by taking even homeopathic remedies.

What can I do to get my long hair thicker, It is falling out and dry?

Hi Elly, can I pray for you...

Lord Jesus, I pray for Elly right now, I ask that you would give her the support she needs during this time from friends and family and that you would heal her from this problem with stress - whether it's through doctors, a direct intervention from yourself, or something else. Thank you, amen.

I had a similar stress-related illness a few years ago - worrying, panic attacks, not sleeping, having to force myself to eat... I know you said you didn't want prescription drugs, but they can really help break the cycle. When I went, the doctors also offered me counselling. In my case, it was a chemical imbalance though, so the drugs helped.



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