Friday, April 20, 2012

Should I cut my long black hair?

What's the general perspective on long black straight hair? I think it's beautiful and I love it. I've grown it to my waste and it's healthy and looks nice in the sun.

But what do others think of it?

I have fair skin and I look similiar to my avatar.

Can I have everyone's opinion?

Should I cut my long black hair?

to your waist is rather long you might need to cut that a tad bit. If you do, please donate your hair to locks of love. they make wigs for children and adults with cancer.

Should I cut my long black hair?

by cutting your beautiful hair you will be spoiling your appearence. so dont cut them

Should I cut my long black hair?

i say get and asymmetrical cut to about mid back (or if you're really daring even shorter)

but if you like what you have now, that's what matters.

Should I cut my long black hair?

short and sweet NO COS IT TOKE TO LONG TO GROW

Should I cut my long black hair?

we so look the same..but my tanning has helped a bit...hehehe...i too have long black hair to my BUTT-OX....but the trick is to have it i have some layers in it....what a differece that made...i cn curl, braid, straighten ....and the layers looks very hot...

Should I cut my long black hair?

your hair sounds pretty! if you're not sure what to do, try cutting 2 or 3 inches and see what you think. you can always go shorter, but i'd cut just a little at a time until it's at a length that you like.

Should I cut my long black hair?

To hell with what anybody else thinks. It is YOUR hair for God's sake. If you love it, then you cut it, you are going to hate it. You won't like yourself much, either.



Should I cut my long black hair?

Don't cut it. It sounds pretty. :)

Should I cut my long black hair?

I have to agree with Michelle.....cut it and donate it to Locks of Love. I have a great neice that has done it twice...and she is only 12! That is a very generous and caring thing to do.

Should I cut my long black hair?

don't cut it too much

do layers long ones

Should I cut my long black hair?

If you like it long don't cut it,long black hair is so nice and more.

Should I cut my long black hair?

what ever make you happy

Should I cut my long black hair?

yes,because black is boring and long you cant really do anything wit it you ccan curl it cant tied it up you can but dont look rite and when its hot woah and when you wash your hair itsz a waste of shampoo

Should I cut my long black hair?

yeah.. maybe u should get a little trim like 2 or 3 inches off. but don't make it too short.

Should I cut my long black hair?

personally i like long hair, but i hate girls who just have long hair thats blaaaaahhh. Its long and healthy and beautiful but its just there....they dont have layers, nothing......its like, whats the point of having this beautiful long hair if you just going to leaving it looking so damn boring.....i suggest adding a lot of layers, that way you can keep it long, but change it up a little....and i always say, if your thinking about going from short hair to long, make it DRASTIC

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