Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Is very long silky hair an added bonus in dating???????

How many of u loves the feel of very long silky hair and how many have enjoyed the same.

Is very long silky hair an added bonus in dating???????

Hell yea.....I wud love to feel looonngg siillllkky hair...... instant turnon...

Is very long silky hair an added bonus in dating???????

only for the opposite sex that likes that everyone like different things.

Is very long silky hair an added bonus in dating???????

well i dont date girls with long silky hair since i am a girl, but i used to have long hair and when i cut it all off last summer, my boyfriend had a fit! so id say most guys like long hair...but thats just my opinion.

Is very long silky hair an added bonus in dating???????

The type of hair you have has nothing at all to do with the type of person you are.

To think so is very shallow indeed.

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