Wednesday, April 18, 2012

For women.Why are you so negative when you see another woman with very long hair?

When I see a woman with very long beautiful hair, I try to listen the comments of women who have seen it. They are most of the time all negative comments. I wonder why? Jealousy maybe? When a woman gets more attention than you, you react negatively?

For women.Why are you so negative when you see another woman with very long hair?

I'm guessing that it is jealousy. I LOVE long hair but have never been able to grow mine out past shoulder length. I, myself, am not negative though. I usually compliment a woman on her hair if I like it but I know a LOT of women that are negative and hateful towards women that are beautiful.

For women.Why are you so negative when you see another woman with very long hair?


For women.Why are you so negative when you see another woman with very long hair?


For women.Why are you so negative when you see another woman with very long hair?

I think long hair looks good, but not on women who are like 45 and its way down beyond thier butts, that is gross...

For women.Why are you so negative when you see another woman with very long hair?

I have blonde hair that goes down right below my shoulder blades- its not really long but semi-long. ive never actually heard of anyone putting down long hair. im definetly not thinking negatively of it. I don't know what to tell you, expect that long hair ROCKS! lol. ttyl.

For women.Why are you so negative when you see another woman with very long hair?

Personally, when I see a woman with Crystal Gayle hair, I think it looks bad. I'm not jealous, not in the slightest. Even Gwyneth length hair is cutting it close to being too long. Hair more than 4 or 5 inches below the bra strap just looks trashy for the most part, IMHO on nearly everyone over the age of 30. Trust me, it's not jealousy for me.

For women.Why are you so negative when you see another woman with very long hair?

i know im not negative....if you got long hair more power to you if you got short hair so be it.....its hair why get jealous if you don't got it....that's why they invented hair extensions if i want some length i will just go pay to have it done then i can have long hair too....

For women.Why are you so negative when you see another woman with very long hair?

its jealousy possibly insecurity probably both

i don't really care i have neither

i have long shiny black hair that i don't even need to brush and i think I'm really cute but it annoys the s**t out of me when girls talk s**t about me when they don't know me

i don't care if another girl gets more attention

but a lot of people will mope and whine so i take advantage of them bein distracted and punch them in the head(the whiner)

how hot are you now b***h

For women.Why are you so negative when you see another woman with very long hair?

Hmmm, I don't think I've encountered that a lot. In my experience, people either speak well of how the hair looks or they say nothing at all.

On the other hand, I'm sure that what you're saying happens frequently. It could be jealousy, but it could also be simply that those women genuinely don't like the hair.

For women.Why are you so negative when you see another woman with very long hair?

It probably is jealousy, but I have to agree with the earlier post that extremely long hair does tend to be trashy looking. Not because the hair is really long but because they don't take care of it. If the hair is healthy and well kept more power to them. As for older women with extremely long hair I believe they are trying to hold on to their youth. There comes a time in every woman's life that they have to except the fact that hair past their butt looks ridiculous.

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