Monday, April 23, 2012

Do i look better with short or long hair?

this is long

this is short

i donated my hair to locks of love if anyone was wondering why i chopped a lot off

Do i look better with short or long hair?

Well, unlike most of the other answers, I think the short cut looks great!.. It is hip, stylish, and shows off the round features of your face. The long hair style seems to be hard to manage, and looks to be un kept. Thanks for donating to such a wonderful cause!

Do i look better with short or long hair?

i like long better :]

Do i look better with short or long hair?


Do i look better with short or long hair?

long is way betta

Do i look better with short or long hair?

thats kool i luv locks of love!!!! to help cancer patients and i lov ur hair both ways but mostly long 閳?br>Do i look better with short or long hair?

I think you look girlier and prettier with long,but more chic and edgy with the short. You look great with both,depending on what kind of look you want. It's great that you donated your hair to locks of love:]

Do i look better with short or long hair?

your such a wonderful person!!

well done of having guts and heart for dontating your hair. i know people who you die if their hair was cut

Do i look better with short or long hair?

You look great with both :)

Cute when long, and edgy when short.

It's very nice to see people donating even simple things like hair to charity.

Do i look better with short or long hair?

i think you're one of those lucky people that can pull off either. lol.

Do i look better with short or long hair?

i would say long

Do i look better with short or long hair?

when it was long it was really messy, i personaly like long better, but i love the fact you donated your hair!!!!! i do the same whenevr i get my hair chopped!

Do i look better with short or long hair?

long, but definatly put it in a diff. style, like outta ur face,

like instead of forcing all your hair to the front pull it back, but not slick, do it with bumps.

Do i look better with short or long hair?

You suit both of them. I prefer the short cut, though. And that was nice of you to do that :)

Do i look better with short or long hair?

what? i liked short better. lol oh well. what do i know?

Do i look better with short or long hair?

short looks a lot less messy and it looks a lot cuter, and thats good coming from me because i generally don't like short hair like that.

Do i look better with short or long hair?

i like it long better :)

but short is cute also

Do i look better with short or long hair?

Short! It is so cute! When you had it long, it looked so plain and common. Short is so unique.

Do i look better with short or long hair?

i personally like ....well i cant decide!!! lol i think short, but then again im a huge fan of long hair! but it depends....maybe short if its hot outside? lol idk

Do i look better with short or long hair?

ohh i dunno :]

i like the short one because you look really cute. but the long one makes you look older.

they're both cool though. i think if you had more layers, you could pull off both looks nicely.

Do i look better with short or long hair?

i like long better

Do i look better with short or long hair?

u kinda luk like me.. longg!

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