Monday, April 23, 2012

Do guys like girlies better with short/ long hair?

I've always wondered what a guy's preference is.....

do you like girls with short hair

or long?

Girls can answer too! =)

Do guys like girlies better with short/ long hair?

The length of your hair is of no importance. The most important question is how do you like your hair. If you feel comfortable about your appearance then that feeling is transfered to others. Please yourself and don't let men dictate how you should wear your hair. If short hair suits you then wear it short and vise versa. Your own personal confidence on how you look is what makes you attractive.

Do guys like girlies better with short/ long hair?


Do guys like girlies better with short/ long hair?

i would say not too long and not too short.

Do guys like girlies better with short/ long hair?

I think it just depends on you. Your face, the condition of your hair, the Color and texture, it is an individual thing... But I think guys like it long so they have reins to pull on.

Do guys like girlies better with short/ long hair?

well i usually like long(er) hair but if they have a short hair cut but it look nice, then i like it. but usuaully long

Do guys like girlies better with short/ long hair?

I like a girl with blonde hair long and shiny, I also like my ladies to be strictly 100 a day smokers and binge drinkers

Do guys like girlies better with short/ long hair?

Well, it all depends on the guy. I have heard a lot of men say long hair, though. They've said that if they wanted someone with short hair, they would be with a guy instead. Although, I'm sure some guys love short hair!

Do guys like girlies better with short/ long hair?

Long hair. It's just that the last girl I was with wasn't very good to me, and she had shorter hair and that hair reminds me of what fake love is like. Trauma.

Do guys like girlies better with short/ long hair?

I have long hair and I get a lot of compliments on it, but I would have to say that I got hit on the most with short hair. Having short hair exudes confidence, because you aren't hiding behind hair...and guys like gals with confidence.

I think it depends though.

Do guys like girlies better with short/ long hair?

seems that long is the winner any way you wanna wear you hair is fine as long is a nice looking hair silky and shiny.

Do guys like girlies better with short/ long hair?

I have long curly hair and I get compliments on it at least once a day without fail!

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