Monday, April 23, 2012

According to the bible, men should have short hair. Why is Jesus always depicted with long hair?

And why would god care about hair length anyway?

1 Corinthians 11:14

Doth not even nature herself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him?

According to the bible, men should have short hair. Why is Jesus always depicted with long hair?

Jesus obviously went for the hippie look... long hair, beard, loose-fitting clothing, sandals...

According to the bible, men should have short hair. Why is Jesus always depicted with long hair?

strange, nazerites seems to say the opposite. Oh well, another biblical contradiction.

According to the bible, men should have short hair. Why is Jesus always depicted with long hair?

For context, remember who Paul is writing to. This is Corinth, where there was big problems with immorality. The chapter is not about hair, the chapter was about women interrupting, being boisterous in prayer to be heard, and going about trying to exert their authority over the men in the fellowship. This led to great amount of discord.

According to the bible, men should have short hair. Why is Jesus always depicted with long hair?

Jesus was a Nazarine. Nazarine males had long"er" hair then most men. Plus, A LOT of things (Biblically) changed when Jesus came. He said that he "came to fulfill the word" not change it. The Old Testemant "rules" still apply today, Jesus just did a few adjustments when he came. But no, men are not to have any female features. He had longish hair (and it wasn't as long as people think) because of his roots and the tradition for the Nazarines.

According to the bible, men should have short hair. Why is Jesus always depicted with long hair?

Long hair was a step in initiation of having masculine and feminine balanced.

According to the bible, men should have short hair. Why is Jesus always depicted with long hair?

One question is, "long" or "short" relative to what? Jesus is usually depicted with shoulder-length hair, which is short compared to hair that's never been cut.

The gist of this passage is that women should appear feminine and men masculine in order not to dishonor God's creation of each as a man or a woman. This is important because mankind was created in the image of God; dishonoring God's image is an insult to God. Pope John Paul II's Theology of the Body deals with how it is specifically the relationship between a man and a woman in marriage which is the earthly image of God's Trinity.

According to the bible, men should have short hair. Why is Jesus always depicted with long hair?

Jesus was a Nazarite which states that he was a vegetarian, a scholar and did not cut his hair or his beard.

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