Thursday, April 26, 2012

What's a small dog that dosen't have long hair?

We are looking for a cute small dog who is a good watchdog, that dosen't have long hair, or one that shed's alot.

We are looking for a dog in the class of toy, one of the smallest ones that isn't a chiwawa...

Fair price range, and not looking to buy one, just looking for breeds.

It's for my Aunt who is thinking of getting a dog.

If you could give me any more information on a breed of dog that matchs what I'm looking for that would realy help, thanks!

What's a small dog that dosen't have long hair?

You will find a questionnaire at the link below, it will ask you 11 simple questions and then will suggest 5 breeds according to your answers.

We can all make suggestions but in reality we will suggest what "we like"... you need to do your research and pick what's best for you.

I like yorkies, they have hair (like us) and can be cut into some great styles (I personally have all mine in show coats as I'm a professional confirmation exhibitor).

What's a small dog that dosen't have long hair?

Miniature Pincher

What's a small dog that dosen't have long hair?

you can get a short hair jack Russell and they cost any where form $50.00 on up

What's a small dog that dosen't have long hair?

Chinese Crested is a dog that has very little hair. It's more like hairless. I think that's what you were asking for. Poodles don't shed much either.

What's a small dog that dosen't have long hair?

minn-pinn....or mini-"dot-sun"...check the local shelter...cant beat the price....

good luck

What's a small dog that dosen't have long hair?

Shitzu - Good and mild mannered

Cocka poo - Great, almost hypo-allergetic, energetic

Terrier - Can go either way

Pug - Cute and sneaky

Pomeranian - Calm lap dog

What's a small dog that dosen't have long hair?

Fox Terrier or really many in the terrier breed

What's a small dog that dosen't have long hair?

i suggest a toy fox or rat terrier or just regular sized they arent really that big in the first place. Mine is a great watch dog shes a rat terrier

What's a small dog that dosen't have long hair?

toy rat terrier, toy fox terrier, italian greyhound, JRT, jsut to name a few. Try the rescues in your area they usually have great small short hairs, or petfinder. I have to say tho, chihuahua's a super great pets. I have one and I couldn't resist defending her honor;)

What's a small dog that dosen't have long hair?

miniature dachshund. I have one and I love it sooo much. They have really short hair and shed very little. they are the only dog that does not produce a "doggie odor" at all, they are sweet and very smart, very loving, and will let you know if anyone is around that is not supposed to be. i highly recommend them as pets.

She wont be sorry if she gets one.

What's a small dog that dosen't have long hair?


What's a small dog that dosen't have long hair?

Have your aunt consider adopting a needy dog from the shelter or a rescue group. is another really good place to look for a dog once you have decided upon a breed whose characteristics you find compatible with her lifestyle.

Good luck!

What's a small dog that dosen't have long hair?

How about a jack russell or a beagle, they tend to bark alot and might scare away a stranger...go to this website to find information on dog breeds.

What's a small dog that dosen't have long hair?

miniature dachshunds (the shorthair, of course) are great companion and watchdogs.

What's a small dog that dosen't have long hair?

The problem with what you are looking for is that it doesn't exist. You can either get a dog that has long hair and doesn't shed or one with short hair and does shed.

I think that she might be better with a long haired dog that she can get groomed and trimmed on the regular basis. Breeds like Shih Tzus and Lhasa Apsos are small and very nice.

What's a small dog that dosen't have long hair?

Too bad you are not interested in Chihuahuas. They are the best dogs in the world. I have owned several breeds large and small and nothing beats a chihuahua. As for shedding, short haired dogs usually shed more than the long haireds. Min pins are a good small dog. Also Rat Terrier, Italian Greyhound.

What's a small dog that dosen't have long hair?

dachunds(aka: wiener dogs)

What's a small dog that dosen't have long hair?

Weiner dog

What's a small dog that dosen't have long hair?

A Jack Russell Terrier or a minature pincher.

What's a small dog that dosen't have long hair?

A rat terrier. Ratties come in all sizes, they have very short hair, very smart, and can bark up a storm if needed.

I almost got a rattie, but found a perfect mixed breed pup who is part terrier, lab, beagle and Aussie Cattle Dog. He's a bit bigger than what I thought I wanted, but he's a perfect, even tempered and quite smart little fellow.

I researched the rattie, and have met quite a few, and would get one if I had room for two dogs and three cats.

On the issue of shedding.....Shedding can be the result of bad diet, not breed. My little guy has very short hair and doesn't sheed. I feed him the ultra premium dog food and its the diet that keeps him from shedding.

What's a small dog that dosen't have long hair?

i have to chihuahuas and i hated them at first till i got one it sounds like the best dog 4 u! but you could try a wenner dog

What's a small dog that dosen't have long hair?


What's a small dog that dosen't have long hair?

I don't know how old your aunt is. I have a short legged Jack Russell Terrier. He is so cute. They are a hand ful though. If she can handle a fast very active dog that needs a lot of attention and can be kept in the house and watched when you let it go outside, a Jack Russell might be a good idea. Keep in mind, these dogs are real smart, highly active and escape artist. But boy are they cute!!!! My dog weighs 16 lbs.

What's a small dog that dosen't have long hair?

IT isn't in the toy group but you might want to try a Jack Russell Terrier or Parson Russell Terrier they are the same thing I know but some people know it as one not the other. Other wise you could try: Italian Greyhound, Miniature Pincher, Manchester Terrier, Toy Fox Terrier, Pug, or Chinese Crested.

What's a small dog that dosen't have long hair?

Rat Terrier, Miniature Pinscher, Italian Greyhound, Chinese Crested, to name some, OR you could go to a shelter and find a nice mixed breed dog that fits those requirements. It might take some searching but if you aren't in a rush you can probably find a great dog.

What's a small dog that dosen't have long hair?

Jack Russsel, Mini pinscher, dauchshaund, Rat terrier, maltese(they dont shed too much even with a poofy coat). Italian greyhound, Basenji(not a toy breed but is small, short coated, and a good watcgdog too.).Beagle(not toy, yet meets all needs).Norfolk terrier, a little scruffy, but hair is short and absolutely gorgeouse, not to mention irrisistable!(my frind has one named rudy.!!).Corgi, small short coat, adorable, poppular too! Need any more info/ breeds, just ask.

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