Friday, April 27, 2012

My husband has a job interview tomorrow...What should he do with his long hair?

His hair isn't too horribly long...about two inches below his collar. It's not quite long enough to tie so we're stuck with leaving it down...Will it matter with the way today's job market's are? We don't know what the company will be like so we don't know how formal it will be...Thanks...

My husband has a job interview tomorrow...What should he do with his long hair?

i'm a long-hair hippy myself. i also work for a pharmaceutical company as a financial analyst and am almost done with an MBA. i refuse to work for any company that can't accept a good employee who has long hair. i figure that if a boss would discriminate based on hair length, then she/he is not worth my time.

so, give it a good wash and a good combing, just like i do every day.... put on a nice suit and tie (or whatever is appropriate) and good luck.


My husband has a job interview tomorrow...What should he do with his long hair?

What industry? That matters a great deal.

I mean I held a management position in the surf industry and my Looong hair was never an issue.

Restaurant? Sales? Maybe it's time to go off the collar.

My husband has a job interview tomorrow...What should he do with his long hair?

Better to get it trimmed

My husband has a job interview tomorrow...What should he do with his long hair?

as long as it appears clean and somewhat stylish ... and not appear like he's just been too lazy to get a haircut, then he should be fine.

My husband has a job interview tomorrow...What should he do with his long hair?

Nothing, except make sure that it's neatly brushed.

My husband has a job interview tomorrow...What should he do with his long hair?

Put Hair gel and pull it backwards for a sleek clean look..................

My husband has a job interview tomorrow...What should he do with his long hair?

Firstly can make a hair cut to suit his looks. If there is any reservations about this then better to dress his hair in order to make him presentable, because in job interview they also notice how better you have managed yourself.

My husband has a job interview tomorrow...What should he do with his long hair?

hide inside his head, yahoo!!!

My husband has a job interview tomorrow...What should he do with his long hair?

It depends what the company is and its standards. If it is a formal company, he might want to have it cut. If it is an informal company, he mightn't have a problem. If you have contacts in the company, I would check with them.

My husband has a job interview tomorrow...What should he do with his long hair?

If his hair is that long he needs to cut it either way, and don't even think about letting it get long enough to tie it... Today's companies want a clean and polished look, while it is descrimination not to give a job based on appearance, it happens. Tell him to get a haircut quick, dress nice and make sure to look everyone in the eye.

My husband has a job interview tomorrow...What should he do with his long hair?

Depends on the position. IT, then no. But most likely your hubbie is not a techie, so get him a conservative haircut and pronto! Yes it does matter, unless he's applying for a janitor!

My respects to janitors/custodians-

Buy or check out a book on interviewing, but better yet, GOOGLE it!!

My husband has a job interview tomorrow...What should he do with his long hair?

he must have his hear cut, for me i will not give him the chance to work with me, specially if it was official work,sorry%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;

My husband has a job interview tomorrow...What should he do with his long hair?

You asked the question because you think it should be cut...

If you were the owner what would you think?

My husband has a job interview tomorrow...What should he do with his long hair?

just gell it or use hairspray and keep it out of the eyes it makes people not trust you as much.

My husband has a job interview tomorrow...What should he do with his long hair?

Well, you don't see a lot of executives wearing mops.

My husband has a job interview tomorrow...What should he do with his long hair?

I agree with other writers who say it depends on the industry. My significant other has long hair and is a business owner. I am a therapist but I have a couple of tats and I like my tie dye and my "updated hippie" style. Some people approve and other's are judgemental. I think if he is applying for a job that would dissaprove, he will be rather uncomfortable even if he gets the job. Tell him to be himself and if it doesn't work out then look for a company that is more like-minded and laid back.

My husband has a job interview tomorrow...What should he do with his long hair?

I've learned the hard way that he should definately cut it. Companies often think that if your hair isn't "corporate" you won't be a team player. Not all companies are like that but it's not worth the risk.

My husband has a job interview tomorrow...What should he do with his long hair?

Being yourself is very important. My brother was told by Ford Motor Co. that he had to shave his mustache to get hired. He was reallly upset, but, he did it and after a short time he grew it back and drove his Corvette to work lol.

It depends grately on what kind of work but, I am a retired CEO of a large Trucking Company and my gut says get it cut but not real short. If it were way down his back or ever a little longer he could put it back and they really cant say much. Good Luck.

By the way what state are you in??

My husband has a job interview tomorrow...What should he do with his long hair?

Appearance ALWAYS matters!!

It is true. You only have ONE chance to make a good first impression!

First, do your homework! BEFORE the interview find out as much as you can about the place you are applying to! Look at their employees and you will get a sense of their dress code.

Yes, some jobs even invite longer hair but most want you to appear well groomed (as in a conservative look). IF he is serious about getting the job then get in line with what the company is looking for. He can always grow it back after he is established in the new job.

Just my .02 cents.


My husband has a job interview tomorrow...What should he do with his long hair?

i think you should make look good because ppls hair different and you never know the boss might like it.

My husband has a job interview tomorrow...What should he do with his long hair?

Personal experience - Hair about 4 inches below collar. Interviewed for management position 6 months ago. Have come to know since having been on the job for 5 months that I had the best interview ever. Negotiated decent 6 figure salary. All in all hair length was a non issue. and I carry a full beard as well :)

My husband has a job interview tomorrow...What should he do with his long hair?

My boyfriend's hair is to the middle of his back. He just ties it back in a low ponytail and no job has ever given him problems.

My husband has a job interview tomorrow...What should he do with his long hair?

brush it and put hair gel or hairspray in it.

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