Thursday, April 26, 2012

My Golden Retriever who is Female, loses her long hair?

My Golden Retriever Female, loses her long hair on her tail and elsewhere, making her look like a short haired dog. Then it grows back after awhile. Does anyone no why this happens. She is not fixed.

My Golden Retriever who is Female, loses her long hair?

You dont say how old she is but it may have to do with her hormones because she is not fixed. or she could have thyroid problems. Get her into your vets and have them run a thyroid blood test on her to check if she needs meds to help her out ok.

Oh and none of my females ever blowed their coats because they were about to go into or were in heat.

My Golden Retriever who is Female, loses her long hair?

All dogs do what is called "blow coat" females tend to do so about a month before they come into heat. This is normal.

My Golden Retriever who is Female, loses her long hair?

She is just shedding. She is most likely doing so right now because it is about to be winter and she is getting rid of her summer coat and growing in her full winter coat. Make sure you brush her daily to help with the shedding. However, if her hair is not growing back properly or anything like that- you should check with a vet to make sure it is not a health problem.

My Golden Retriever who is Female, loses her long hair?

its normal just what the man who posted the answer first said. also before summer they loose there winter coat

My Golden Retriever who is Female, loses her long hair?

blow coat

My Golden Retriever who is Female, loses her long hair?

First she may have very dry skin and vitamin E is good for that, if you feed her can food you can put it in her food but you will have to bury it. [ vit E you can get at walmart] We also bury it in peanut butter which is also good for dogs. [2] give her a bath with moistizering cream in the shampoo, again you can get this at walmart, give her a bath once a week, towel dry her[ don't use hair blower/or dryer] it drys out their skin. Hope this is some help to you.

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