Monday, April 23, 2012

It says in the bible a woman should have long hair in the bible.?

so does that mean we should have long hair only?

It says in the bible a woman should have long hair in the bible.?

I believe what it says is that a woman's hair should be her glory. I.E. Kept clean, well groomed, etc. I could be wrong. Personally, I love long hair on women. IF it is clean, etc. Very feminine.

It says in the bible a woman should have long hair in the bible.?

where are you getting this from?

It says in the bible a woman should have long hair in the bible.?

Reread your question..........

It says in the bible a woman should have long hair in the bible.?

Where does it say that? I am curious.

It says in the bible a woman should have long hair in the bible.?

em...those are not religious beliefs...those r from some guys who ur freakin "machistas" [contriary of femminism]

why do everybody looks at EVERYTHING AS RELIGIOS??..there is cultural beliefs too %26gt;_%26gt;

It says in the bible a woman should have long hair in the bible.?

I'm not sure it specifies where the long hair should come from...

It says in the bible a woman should have long hair in the bible.?

Probably means death for all girls with short hair or alopaecia

It says in the bible a woman should have long hair in the bible.?

Long hair was important in biblical times because it was part of the culture of that day. It does not mean that women today HAVE to have long hair today though. If you want your hair long, that's fine, and if you want it shorter, that's fine too. God is more interested in your heart than your hair. Hope this helps!

It says in the bible a woman should have long hair in the bible.?

i have never read that part before. i think it says that hair is a womens vail.

It says in the bible a woman should have long hair in the bible.?

There is a scripture that talks about how a womans hair is a covering for her head when she worships but what scripture directly says that "a woman should have long hair"?

It says in the bible a woman should have long hair in the bible.?

It never specifically says that. However, the Apostle Paul reflects the cultural view that long hair is the glory of a woman, which doesn't mean she can't cut it if she wants. Just that HE would disapprove. Personally, I find Buzz Cuts and clean-shaven heads on women very attractive!

It says in the bible a woman should have long hair in the bible.?

But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering" (I Corinthians 11:1-15).

did you take that reference from this scripture? I think there is also one in Philippians.

That is an outward appearance, it will not save you if you have long hair.

It says in the bible a woman should have long hair in the bible.?

What bible are you reading?

In the Holy Bible(about Jesus), there's no commandment about the hair at all.. Don't can have any kind of hair style you want to.. :)

It says in the bible a woman should have long hair in the bible.?

In my opinion, no. It says a lot of things in the Bible. Read Leviticus to find all of the harsh rules that nearly all religious people ignore. Except the one verse that supposedly condemns gay people. Most religious people seem really big on enforcing that particular rule, because it does not apply to them.

It says in the bible a woman should have long hair in the bible.?

It's a debatable question... the one or 2 verses that relate to this were pulled out extensively in the 60's; requardless of the fact that hair styles have change between long and short over the centuries and the terms "long" adn "short" are very relative. I personally don't think that God really is interested in your hair length.

It says in the bible a woman should have long hair in the bible.?


For women, long hair is a glory to them. It provides a covering for their heads.

For men, long hair is a shame.

But Paul says that the church has no policy that would require a woman to have long hair, and the men short hair.

It says in the bible a woman should have long hair in the bible.?

I'm pretty sure it doesn't say that in the bible. What book-passage did you read it?

It says in the bible a woman should have long hair in the bible.?

yes, I'm sure god really cares about how long the hair on your head is.

It says in the bible a woman should have long hair in the bible.?

Only prostitutes would have shortened hair, because it was easier to manage between customers. It would be a little bit longer than chin length and uncovered. You knew exactly who the prostitutes were, they were the ones without a covering. Only a harlot would have short hair and no covering.

A modest hebrew woman in the time of Christ, would have two braids, worn on either side, and also had a covering on. Paul exhorted the men not to wear coverings in Corinthians, as Christ was their covering now. But, women, who had long hair, as a glory, were told to continue to cover. Many misinterpret this verse to mean that their hair is their covering, but it says, it says, if she is not covered let her be shaved. So, if she is shorn let her be shorn again? Doesn't make sence.

Christian women would have long hair, and a covering on. A woman is the glory of the man, and her hair is her glory. To cover her hair is a sign that she desires God more than her own glory.

Yes, I cover, and I have noticed that God's presence more when I do.

This is not a cultural view. Only in the West, where we are, do women not cover their heads. We think that we can change many things because we are modern. God's laws are not about picking out what we want when we want it. You can go to a store and pick out what you want. But, to do that with Christianity, that is not Christianity.

It says in the bible a woman should have long hair in the bible.?

It don't say how long. Just don't shave it or cut it short like a man unless you are a lesbian. Then it doesn't matter you are going to hell anyway. Kisses Betty.

It says in the bible a woman should have long hair in the bible.?

I am not sure that it says that, but I am sure that it says that Samson does.

It says in the bible a woman should have long hair in the bible.?

Here it is in context:

1 Cor. 11:15 And isn閳ユ獩 long hair a woman閳ユ獨 pride and joy? For it has been given to her as a covering. 16 But if anyone wants to argue about this, I simply say that we have no other custom than this, and neither do God閳ユ獨 other churches.

And as you read, it say that it is her pride and joy. It also says that is the custom and this was written by Paul in about 60 A.D.

I'm thinking customs have changed a little what do you think?

It says in the bible a woman should have long hair in the bible.?

There should always be easy ways to tell the sexes apart. In Corinth the Female prostitutes would cut their short and the Male prostitutes would grow theirs long. Paul did not want there to be ANY mistake as to who the people of God were/are.

It says in the bible a woman should have long hair in the bible.?

1 Corinthians 11:2-15 says:

2鑱絅ow I commend YOU because in all things YOU have me in mind and YOU are holding fast the traditions just as I handed [them] on to YOU. 3鑱紹ut I want YOU to know that the head of every man is the Christ; in turn the head of a woman is the man; in turn the head of the Christ is God. 4鑱紼very man that prays or prophesies having something on his head shames his head; 5鑱絙ut every woman that prays or prophesies with her head uncovered shames her head, for it is one and the same as if she were a [woman] with a shaved head. 6鑱紽or if a woman does not cover herself, let her also be shorn; but if it is disgraceful for a woman to be shorn or shaved, let her be covered.

7鑱紽or a man ought not to have his head covered, as he is God閳ユ獨 image and glory; but the woman is man閳ユ獨 glory. 8鑱紽or man is not out of woman, but woman out of man; 9鑱絘nd, what is more, man was not created for the sake of the woman, but woman for the sake of the man. 10鑱絋hat is why the woman ought to have a sign of authority upon her head because of the angels.

11鑱紹esides, in connection with [the] Lord neither is woman without man nor man without woman. 12鑱紽or just as the woman is out of the man, so also the man is through the woman; but all things are out of God. 13鑱絁udge for YOUR own selves: Is it fitting for a woman to pray uncovered to God? 14鑱紻oes not nature itself teach YOU that if a man has long hair, it is a dishonor to him; 15鑱絙ut if a woman has long hair, it is a glory to her? Because her hair is given her instead of a headdress

So the short answer is no, a woman should not "just" have long hair, but if she doesn't and takes a position to matters pertaining to worship that her husband would normally do and he is present while she is conducting a formal study; she should respect God's arrangement and cover her head with a hat, scarf or such showing her subjection to God's headship arrangement.

Just for your information I have included another site that you might find interesting:

Does the Bible Discriminate Against Women?

It says in the bible a woman should have long hair in the bible.?

Kay that's just stupid talk, where in the freaken bible says all women must have long hair?

IF Jesus or God said that then they are really wrong and ignorant to even say that

USE your HEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for the 2 points

It says in the bible a woman should have long hair in the bible.?

if that is the case, then why were nuns required to shave their heads for so long?

It says in the bible a woman should have long hair in the bible.?

1 corinthians ch 11 says that a woman should cover her hair..... the part about a woman having long hair (verses 13-16) is explaining that even in nature woman is given a cover. it is saying, "how can you dispute the need for a cover, when the very nature of a woman is given a cover?"

***i am not a Christian but i am a religious studies major. i have many pastor's and christian women's opinion on this is you would like. i have done extensive research on this and would be more than happy to direct to ppl with more info if you would like

peace to all

It says in the bible a woman should have long hair in the bible.?

i want to reply by a different way

in our religion islam

allah wants to prevent you from any bad look

so i think u will find the answer in any question in islam

It says in the bible a woman should have long hair in the bible.?

What is all this fuss about womens hair? The muslims want every hair covered and the christians want it long and it is a sign of a wicked person or covered a humble person. Hair has nothing to do with a person anymore than skin color does.

Grow up you people.

1 Peter 3: 3 and do not let your adornment be that of the external braiding of the hair and of the putting on of gold ornaments or the wearing of outer garments. So we can't wear gold or braid are hair or wear clothes?


1Peter 3:4 But let it be the secret person of the heart in the incorruptible apparel of the quiet and mild spirit which is of great value in the eyes of God.

He was pointing out that there are more important things.

Who knows what they were doing to their hair in those days.

Maybe shaving their heads who knows. He was always against extremes. That is what is happening. People take every word and then go to extremes. One way or the other. Chill out!

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