Monday, April 23, 2012

Should a 37 year old woman have long hair?

or should i get it cut shorter? Maybe shoulder length? Am I too old for long hair?

Should a 37 year old woman have long hair?

I am 37 and have very long hair. You should have whatever kind of hair you feel comfortable with. You have earned the right to be yourself. Be happy. Peace.

Should a 37 year old woman have long hair?

Long Hair is beautiful.....the bible says it is a womans glory!

Should a 37 year old woman have long hair?


Should a 37 year old woman have long hair?

It doesn't matter how old you are. Your hair can be as long as you want it to be at any age.

Should a 37 year old woman have long hair?

As long as it looks good on you there is no need to fall into the older gotta go shorter trap.

Should a 37 year old woman have long hair?

what does length of hair have to do with age? If one is comfortable with their looks, what does it matter what age one is?

In many cultures (Asian countries especially), women rarely cut their hair short.....and they do look good

Should a 37 year old woman have long hair?

age is not the factor for keeping long hair. my mom looks great with her long hair....

Should a 37 year old woman have long hair?

sure. what's wrong with that?

Should a 37 year old woman have long hair?

I'm 48 %26amp; still have very long hair I just trim my spit ends that's it no joke for years so how ever you like it.Age doesn't matter Silly

Should a 37 year old woman have long hair?

Long hair is great. Arent you tired of seeing all the old old ladies in there sewing clubs with the short little perms they have? Some women feel like long hair drags there face down...I say pffft to that! Long hair makes you feel youthfull and thats the important thing isnt it? Keep it long!....please dont wear pigtails though, 13 is too old for pigtails.

Should a 37 year old woman have long hair?

no as long as you keep up with your long hair i say knock yourself out and keep it long.

Should a 37 year old woman have long hair?

Mom mom does, and shes 39

Should a 37 year old woman have long hair?

If you enjoy your hair long, leave it long. There is no age limit on long hair.

Should a 37 year old woman have long hair?

If it makes you happy and you aren't tired of it. Who cares how old you are as long as you are comfortable in your own skin ( and hair) .

Should a 37 year old woman have long hair?

As long as you keep it colored and trimmed neatly, you are fine. I had long hair until I was 49. Short hair is easier to take care of. I love it. I should have cut it sooner.

Should a 37 year old woman have long hair?

keep it long,,

Should a 37 year old woman have long hair?

HI,, Julia,,,, hey,, thats a personal decision,,, but i would say No.. dont cut it.... men really really like long hair on women,, no matter what age they are..... more than short hair.......

good luck

Should a 37 year old woman have long hair?

What does age have to do with anything? If you like your hair long and it flatters you then you should keep it long. Age is nothing more than a stupid number. Don't let it dictate how you live your life.

Should a 37 year old woman have long hair?

ALL women should have long hair, 37 too old? are you crazy?

Should a 37 year old woman have long hair?

No, I personally don't think 37 is too old to have long hair. It depends on your face shape...rounder faces are more flattered with shorter hair. Oval or angled faces look great with short or long hair. It's not a matter of age. Good luck :D

Should a 37 year old woman have long hair?

Yes long hair is beautiful at any age, but i guess if you dont have the time to really take care and sorta style your hair then maybe not! But id say yes...

Should a 37 year old woman have long hair?

no i doseent matter as long as it looks good and you can keep up with if i would get it shoulder lenght in you last 40's

Should a 37 year old woman have long hair?

Of course not. But to stay updated, go to a salon and flip through some hair style mags and ask a stylist to update your do, simple hair cut and colour while keeping it long some layers or something can freshen up your look. Of course long hair is beautiful on older women, think Nicole Kidman, Janet Jackson or Goldie Hawn. Nothing wrong with long hair - except when your like in your 60's. Even some people in their 50's should opt for shorter hair, so enjoy it now while you can!

Should a 37 year old woman have long hair?

As long as it suits you, you can have long hair at any age.

I think long hair says something about a woman...she's patient and persistant and knows how to take care of herself.

I can never wait long enough to get my hair long, I chop it all off and then start again.

Should a 37 year old woman have long hair?

I damn don't know where women get the ridiculous idea of cutting their hair after certain age. In fact, I think that when a woman starts cutting her hair short, it is a sign that her spirit has lost its youthfulness. Long hair is so beautiful (if it is well kept, of course).

Should a 37 year old woman have long hair?

37 is young - long hair is beautiful. Why would you think that? Cut it only if ur tired of it or is too much hassle or you dont like it - NOT becuase of your age silly.

Should a 37 year old woman have long hair?

shave it off.. tile everywhere.

Should a 37 year old woman have long hair?

Age is a state of mind. I say enjoy the length no because I think there will come a day when you will get it cut short. I think it's more important to find out if your hair style is flattering to you appearance now. You might be able to save the lenght, but get it shaped a little different. I think you are too young to be worrying about your hair being too long. Start to worry when you are 50!

Should a 37 year old woman have long hair?

I think you should keep it long if you want to, or keep it short if you want to.

Should a 37 year old woman have long hair?

wear it the way you want I'm 49 and still have long hair. Don't let anyone tell you how to wear it, it's your hair do it the way you want

Should a 37 year old woman have long hair?

Personally I think that the older you get the shorter your hair should be. I think though that 37 is still quite young and long hair should look great on you. As long as it's properly styled you have no problem at all.

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